Posts Tagged ‘Supersonic Breakfast Burrito’

For the past few days I’ve had lots of hits on here for Sonic’s new Spicy Southwest Breakfast Burrito. I think because of my post about the disgusting-don’t-waste-your-time Braum’s Southwest Burrito…. I’d heard the commercials, and I have to say I was mostly intrigued by the promise of crispy jalapeno strips. But the thought of a 1,000 calorie burrito first thing in the morning wasn’t very appetizing (mind you that was my estimation of the calorie count, stay tuned for the actual count). Always up to a challenge set directly or indirectly by my readers, I ventured out to Sonic. I figured, if nothing else I could start my morning with a Diet Cherry Vanilla Coke. Sweet, frosted deliciousness!

So far, I look like any other burrito… Kind of boring. Huh. Why do I like burritos? Oh, wait. OK. Focus.

Burrito: “Will you wish you’d had my cousin the SuperSonic Breakfast Burrito instead?”

Only time, and chewing, will tell!
