Posts Tagged ‘grass-finished’

Over the past few years, you’ve probably noticed my restaurant reviews go down and entries on the blog kind of slow as well. Well, friends, I guess it’s time to announce, the blog is changing. Not completely, I’ll still review restaurants when I hit up new ones, especially those I really enjoy. I have had some issues with new food intolerances coming up, and it’s making it really hard to eat out. It doesn’t mean I don’t still love delicious food. But, it means I’m trying to make nutrition more the center of my diet – using nutrition to heal and prevent. And a big part of that is finding local, well-raised, nutritious foods. And that means I’m adding a new section of things I’ll be reviewing: local farms, ranches, etc.

ScreenHunter_190 Jul. 21 17.10

“She could be a farmer in those clothes!”
