Posts Tagged ‘Derby KS’

This blog’s been a little pizza-laden lately. But I like a pizza (or beer or queso)-laden life. So I’m not complaining. And in this case, I’m sure I’ll confirm what a lot of Derby-ites already know! I’ve heard about Pizza John’s for years. Many say they’re the only competition for my love of Gambino’s in Colwich. And love I do have for pizza. I’d say my top three before going to Pizza John’s was probably Gambino’s, Pacific Coast Pizza, and this random (and nameless because we don’t remember) pizza place in Vegas where Sarah and I ordered pizza after a day of watching the NCAA basketball tournament and having a coupon slipped under the door. Let’s not discuss how we learned later this is NOT a safe practice (calling the number of a random place slipped under your door). And I’d also like to give a Southeast Wichita salute to Po Boy Pizza for their pizza rolls (I’ve never had their pizza because I dream about the rolls). I should make eating the actual pizza a checklist item before moving, huh? But, like usual, I digress.

Do I already have people lining up to road trip to Derby?
